Become the parent your kids need.

Break the Cycles of Trauma. Feel More Connected.

This is the parenting guidance your own parents couldn’t give you.

The Cycle-Breaker’s 10-Week group program is exclusively for Moms+Dads who experienced their own difficult childhoods.

Promotional Financing Options Available Through Care Credit!

The Cycle-Breaker’s Group makes it easier for any parent to overcome childhood wounds and be the parents they’ve always imagined they’d be.

Maybe you’ve found yourself going to bed at night with regret and shame over the day with your kids, and fearful of the impact you’re having on them.

Maybe you KNOW you can do better, but you’re having a hard time accessing that better version of yourself.

This is not just another parenting course.

This is a total transformation.

The Cycle-Breaker’s Group takes you from being …

the reactive, yelling, shaming, guilty-feeling parent you learned how to be…

To becoming

the confident, calm and connected parent you always thought you’d be.

Yes, you’ll get ALL the evidence-based, science-backed education about you and your kids….

but this is so much more.

If reading the books and blogs were enough for you to change

If you could do this on your own…

You would have done it already.

Break Toxic Cycles.

Feel More Connected.

  • Are you tired of going to bed with guilt?

    Imagine what it would be like going to bed each night feeling OK…or maybe even GREAT about how you showed-up for your kids.

    By committing yourself to The Cycle-Breaker’s Group sessions, you’re going to find out what it’s like to go to bed guilt-free and wake up with the confidence to know that you can manage the chaos of everyday parenting.

  • Sick of feeling chaotic and out-of-control?

    No more knee-jerk reactions. You can find freedom from the rage that causes you to lash-out and yell.

    When you are active in our Group Sessions and Conscious Parenting Foundations Course, you gain the skills you need to bring the calm to your family and create peace in your home.

  • Exhausted with fighting every single day?

    Did you know that it’s possible to not have to deal with power-struggles every day?

    In the Conscious Parenting Foundations Course, you learn how to prevent the power-struggles, fights and bickering that lead you to utter exhaustion.

  • Feeling lost on how to discipline and set boundaries?

    You don’t have to follow anybody else’s rules or boundaries other than your own.

    I help you get clear on your family rules, plan how to enforce them, and practice maintaining intentional boundaries and discipline that work for you and your family.

You’re probably ready when

You finally realize, “It’s not my kid that needs to change.

It’s me”.

Gentle Parenting Expert, Jessica Bennett, Headshot

Jessie Bennett, Parent Educator & Attachment Trauma Therapist

“Your parents taught you what not to do. I’m here to teach you how to show-up for your kids.”

Why Join The Cycle-Breaker’s Group?

  • The Toxic Cycles.

    You were raised by yellers, and now you can’t seem to stop yelling.

    You experienced abuse in your childhood, and you’re terrified that you’re “ruining” your kids.

    You want to change, but you are finding it next to impossible to override your impulsive reactions in the everyday chaos of parenting.

    You want to give your kids the connection they need, but you’ve realized there’s something in the way and you’re not available.

  • How We'll Break the Cycles Together.

    Identify the triggers, beliefs and values that fuel your problem behaviors and reactions.

    Clear away the barriers that keep you from fully connecting with your kids. (Connection and Secure Attachment are the #1 predictor of a person’s lifelong trajectory).

    Learn how to manage your own impulses and feelings so that you can help your kids manage theirs.

    Get familiar with the latest research and evidence-based information about how kids’ brains grow and how our relationships effect our kids’ brains.

  • What You Can Accomplish in This Program:

    I will guide you, step-by-step and over-time, in your personal parenting transformation as we focus on 3 major goals.

    1. Reveal and Change the unconscious beliefs & defense-mechanisms that block your ability to show-up for your kids.

    2. Develop an attachment-focused, science-based understanding of the developmental needs of your kids (and the needs you did not get met in childhood).

    3. Create a “Parenting Style” that is consistent and rooted in your conscious values, beliefs and intentions. Doing this will be the foundation of Confidence you need to make everyday decisions around boundaries & discipline.

  • We don’t do behavior modification for kids.

  • We don’t tell you what set of “Parenting Style” rules you should follow.

This community is ideal for you if …

you want to break toxic cycles of parenting inter-generational abuse and inherited trauma.

If you are ready to stop trying to control the chaos and are ready to learn to calm the chaos through your own personal growth & development…

then you are in the right place.

Hey, Cycle-Breaker.

This is your village.

  • The 10-Week Program $465

    Promotional Financiang Options Available Through Care Credit!

    All content is completely self-paced. Groups are limited to 8 participants.

    Start with the Foundations Course so that you get everything you need to get started on your Cycle-Breaking journey. It will take you 10-12 weeks to work through the course if you spend 1-2 hours per week outside of group sessions.

    Meanwhile, attend the Group sessions where you’ll find endless opportunities to connect with other parents in our community. Each session, I’ll be with you to provide feedback, guidance and skill-building exercises.

    Group Times

    Tuesdays 6:00pm- 7:30pm

    This process will give you the action-items, accountability, support and education you need to show-up with the confidence and calm presence your children need.

    This is not just another parenting course that gives you scripts and strategies to get through a moment of chaos.

    This is a total transformation.